Asian Pacific Fund
12 different scholarships supporting undergraduate and graduate Asian American and Pacific Islander students in various fields of study. Requirements and eligibility vary by scholarships.
ScholarshipsAsian American and Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institutions (AANAPISI) Scholarship
$2,500-$15,000 scholarships for Asian and/or Pacific Islander students. There are two scholarships, one general scholarship, and one specifically for students attending an AANAPISI college. Students can apply for both scholarships at the same time.
- Students must be a citizen, national, or legal permanent resident of the United States, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia or the Republic of Palau.
- Requires a 2.7 GPA, short answer responses/essay, letter of recommendations, and FAFSA application.
AAPI Toolkit
Resources, statistics, trainings (UNC Helping Give Away Psychological Science initiative)
EducationTreating Yellow Peril: Resources to Address Coronavirus Racism
Open-source public syllabus
EducationStop AAPI Hate
The coalition tracks and responds to incidents of hate, violence, harassment, discrimination, shunning, and child bullying against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States.
Reporting Hate CrimesUNC Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
- Call 919-966-3658
- Phone line available 24/7
University Ombuds Office
The University Ombuds Office is a safe place where all Carolina staff, faculty, students and administrators are welcome to come and talk in confidence about any campus issue, problem, or dispute. This office supplements, but does not replace, the University’s formal channels, such as the grievance policy.
Reporting Hate CrimesNational Suicide Prevention Lifeline
- Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or 1-800-799-4889 if hard of hearing
- Available 24/7
- Provides crisis counseling and mental health referrals