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First Friday with Asian Health Advocacy Alliance, Study Abroad & Phillips Ambassadors

February 7 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Are you interested in the Asian Health Advocacy Alliance, studying abroad or the Phillips Ambassador Program? If so, stop by the AAC (215 West Cameron Avenue) on Friday, February 7th from 1-3pm! Representatives from both programs will be available to answer your questions and assist you with the application process.

Refreshments will be provided to those that register and engage with our special guests:

  • The Asian Health Advocacy Alliance (AHAA) is a student organization at UNC Chapel Hill. Their mission is to improve the overall health of Asian/Asian Americans in the Triangle through advocacy, education, and community engagement, and thus address the unique healthcare disparities the population experiences.
  • The Study Abroad Office is dedicated to the broader Carolina belief that diversity should be celebrated. By fostering collaborative relationships with UNC campus partners and international institutions, we seek to explore new ways to create and maintain inclusive study abroad opportunities for students of diverse and underrepresented identities. We also aspire to create inclusive programming that prepares students for the growth and challenges they may experience while studying abroad.
  • The Phillips Ambassadors scholarship program is open to qualified undergraduates from all academic majors and offers a broad range of academically challenging study abroad programs in East Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia, and opportunities to share their experiences abroad within the Carolina community and their hometowns.


February 7
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


UNC Asian American Center
215 West Cameron Avenue
Chapel Hill, NC 27599 United States
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(919) 966-2075
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