Led by Dr. Nitasha Sharma
March 31 at 7pm
Register at go.unc.ecu/antiracism
The Asian American Center and the Carolina Asia Center are proud to co-present his workshop led by Dr. Nitasha Sharma, part of our ongoing series Anti-Blackness and Alliance: A Series on Asian-Black Relations.
The workshop will consider popular culture as a politically fertile ground for creating and sustaining cross racial Asian and Black solidarities.
The discussion will move beyond questions of guilt, the model minority myth, and identity to consider how our politics can inform our identities rather than the other way around.
Co-sponsoring UNC organizations include the Sonja Haynes Stone Center for Black Culture and History, the Center for the Study of the American South, the Office of the Vice Provost for Academic and Community Engagement, and Social Sciences and Global Programs in the College of Arts and Sciences.